0211/ 91 324 600
Telephone times: 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
08:00 - 20:00 Uhr Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
08:00 - 18:00 Uhr Wednesday
07:30 - 15:00 Uhr Friday

Dental Technician at didenta

Best results without detours

Oliver Röhlig

Oliver Röhlig

Qualified dental technician

1992 - 1996
Education as a dental technician

1996 - 2008
Employed as a dental technician in a commercial dental laboratory

2002 - 2005
Further professional education to become a "Zahntechnikermeister" with the best grade of the state of North Rhine Westphalia

2007 - 2008
Further professional education to become a PSK® DentalÄsthetiker (dental aesthetician)

since 2008
Employed as a qualified dental technician and PSK® DentalÄsthetiker at didenta

Gamel Othman

Gamel Othman

Dental technician

Training as a dental technician (Damascus, Syria)

employed dental technician in various commercial laboratories

Further training at the Chamber of Crafts in Düsseldorf and Dortmund

Recognition of the professional qualification

since 2020
employed dental technician at didenta

Kinga Wachowska

Kinga Wachowska

Laboratory assistant